Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

Sign of the Times

Portchester Castle is a lovely place to visit and a regular haunt of mine for a meander.

A couple of weeks ago I was there taking some pictures of the sunset when I met a lady called Mary. Mary is 87 and was struggling with her new zimmerframe on wheels on the gravel paths. She'd walked up from Portchester village to test drive her new frame. Due to the lateness of the hour the castle had closed it's gates and everyone had to walk the long way around to get back to the entrance. Mary was stuck.

I helped Mary back to the entrance and whilst we walked she told me about her life in the village and how she'd lived there all her life. She'd sat with her mother at Portchester Castle and watched Portsmouth Naval Harbour being blitzed during World War 2. She'd seen many changes in her life.

When we got back to the castle entrance she asked if I'd help her to her home which was just a 5 minute walk away. From our conversation it was clear that she was becoming confused...she asked my name four times in as many minutes...but she was a lovely lady and so I made sure she got home safely.

When we got to her home she asked me in for tea but the dreadful thing was that I declined her offer as I was worried she may become so confused that it could end with me getting into some bother. Not knowing her medical history I was worried more about me than I was for her. So I helped her into her house and then left her safe and well but probably very disappointed that the 'nice lady' wouldn't come in for tea.

I kicked myself all the way home.

Today I went back to the Castle to take some pictures. As I passed Mary's house I hesitated for a moment and thought about knocking on her door but I don't think she would have remembered me and I didn't want to upset her in any way.

Today's Blip is of Portchester Village. Mary's house is in the picture but I won't say which one it is. When I look at this picture and all the old houses in it along with the big oak(?) tree at it's centre, take away all the cars and this really could have been a scene from many years ago.

I wonder just how much change Mary must have seen in her lifetime!

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