Back in town

Our first appointment today was quite early at the Police Station. We had a stressful start to the day. One of us (not me!!!!) didn’t have all the paperwork we needed for our appointment so there was a bit of running around before we actually got on the ferry. While we were on the ferry, we realised again that we needed a photocopy of a printout (again not me!!!) and so had to figure out where and how to get this before the police at 9:30!

Anyway, I had used a printing shop once when I was applying for a visa in Admiralty  (on the way to the police) so we grabbed a taxi and asked if he could take us there and wait while Martin ran in and got docs printed and photocopied!  All done and we finally made it to the appointment at exactly 9:30! For those of you who haven't been to HK, Discovery Bay to town can be a bit of a journey!  

I might like to add that one of us, me, kept a very cool attitude through all this stress ... can’t say it would have been the same if it was the other way round ... but never mind ... major eye roll!!!!!

Anyway, it was a VERY long wait at the Police for our certificate of no criminal conviction (for my partner migration visa), and I only just managed to get a ferry back in time for my next appointment which was with my beloved Isaac! The hairdresser. Oh how I shall miss him. I was very good and didn’t cry when I said goodbye to him before I left.

Next appointment, was with young Addie in Tung Chung. I wanted to have some time with her alone. So I met her after school at the mall and we had lunch and then did a bit of shopping. We managed to find a really cute dress for her. Unfortunately, I won’t see her in it much :(. But she looks like such a wonderful young lady in it.

Back to DB and grateful for a night in with Martin.

I really need to process all that is happening and feel quite overwhelmed with all the goodbyes.

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