Mount Blackheath Sunset
It's been a perfect autumn day so I thought I'd go out to Mt Blackheath and check out the sunset.
There were probably a hundred or so people, sitting quietly, taking it in.
I tried to get rid of the noise, but it looked even worse, so I've left it alone.
Actually, it looks quite. a bit better large.
Speaking of noise, I've been coming to terms with drones.
The grumpy old woman in me really dislikes them, for many reasons.
I know you can get amazing images, and I always enjoy Jenny and Gemax's drone shots.
So imagine this scene, completely quiet, and still, when suddenly an idiot sends up a drone.
My drone tolerance has reverted to its previous state:)
Thanks so much to all who suggested a title/caption for yesterday's bunny.
I probably should have said that it was a butchery. I had thought it was clear.
No matter.
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