Who Killed Bambi?

I appreciate this is not the most pleasant photo you’ll see today. We saw this young deer yesterday while we were out cycling. Matt suggested I blipped it then but I didn’t want to stop ( I also thought it was a rabbit ).

H and I walked back that way this morning and I saw it was a young deer, poor thing. I thought it was lovely that someone had placed the flowers on it, seemed a little pagan somehow.

After we got back I started sorting the summer house roof. Seems I was wrong, there was more to do. Rotten wood repaired or replaced and then H and Alf helped me get the new felt on.

A quick break for the ladies race ( well done Cambridge ) then H and I gave it a coat of paint. Finishing just in time for the men’s race. Excellent result from Cambridge, very, very exciting race. The Boat Race was something that Ian and I went to or watched together, it always that makes me think of him and our generally silly antics.

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