All kinds of weather today, as befits April. My morning walk was in a frosty fog, which cleared to mild sunshine and then a North wind got up in the late afternoon, bringing some rain. Hail and sleet is forecast for tomorrow morning....those poor wee lambs :-(
We haven’t strayed far from home today; I’m still busy trimming the beech hedge. I made some soup with nettles D collected on his walk, and a maple and pecan cake for tea. D has just finished a 3 day fast, and Lent is over, so we will enjoy the DF chocolate eggs which Joanna kindly brought yesterday.
This is the first blackthorn blossom I’ve seen. It’s so pretty.
Todays walks: Stepford Round 3.58 miles. Walk to Routin Brig and fish farm 2.12 miles
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