Quiet day

I cooked a roast fit for Easter Day for ourselves and Alf, and also plied him with cake. I had baked the Simnel Cake last week, then the chocolate cake for yesterday, and then the girls turned up with a birthday cake as well, so we have a mountain of cake! 

Regular readers will know that my neighbour died a few weeks ago from COVID that she acquired in hospital whilst there for treatment for another condition. 2 days ago her husband too passed away. He just couldn’t live without her, she had been his life and cared for him as he became more confused. An awful time for their family. Neighbours have made a collection for some flowers for their daughter, and as I delivered my contribution this morning I passed the manager of The Pilot walking her dog. Joy of joys, the Pilot is now open for takeaways and will be opening with a garden menu on the 12th April. The best fish and chips on the Marsh!

I haven’t taken any photos so pinched these of the girls, out on an Easter egg hunt with their mum. So nice to see Megan clearly having a good time!

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