Star Magnolia

The Star Magnolia tree is blooming beautifully at the beach is always a little later than the trees at home. 

Little Miss Ellie stayed over here with us when her family went home since both her Grandma and Grandpa had to work today. She was so sweet and peaceful last night as we went through her bedtime routine, which included about 10 books at bedtime.......she fell asleep on the last book! Nice timing. 

This morning we all listened to the Rockaway Beach church service on line and then Ellie and I took some clothes she had outgrown to a little girl who goes to our church over here.....they were excited about all the little "ballet" type dresses that Ellie loved too. It is nice to have someone to share them with.

Happy Easter.....I hope it is a wonderful peaceful and pleasant day for each one of you.  Little miss is taking a nap now, so a perfect time to get my Blip posted.  :-))

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