Life In Wales

By KarenC

Mix and Match

Lockdown 3 - Day 91

Alan finally went back to his outdoor shooting club in the woods this morning, as the club has been allowed to re-open during the latest lockdown lifting.  Hopefully he'll manage to go a few times now before we move, and then he'll have to look for another club in Wales that does target shooting.

I went to Leonardslee Gardens to meet Anne - her and Simon bought a house in Uckfield recently, and it's not been as easy to meet up with her as when she was living in Hove, so it was lovely to see her.  She's never been to Leonardslee before and really liked it, particularly the Wallabies.  Alan and I saw the joeys when we came a few weeks ago, and today I saw this white mum with a brown joey.  Apparently some of the brown mums have white joeys and I had hoped to see them too, but most were lay down in the sun so it wasn't possible to see the joeys.  We spent a lovely couple of hours walking through the woods and round the lake and stopped for a hot chocolate - the air temperature was quite cool, but it felt nice sat in the sun as it was quite sheltered.

Alan was already home when I got back and he suggested going out for a bike ride, but unfortunately my tyre was flat.  He pumped it up but it went down again in no time, so we went for a walk instead.  We walked across the Tye and over to Peacehaven as I wanted to see if the blossom trees were out, but they're not, I think it'll be another couple of weeks yet. While we were on the Tye we saw a herd of sheep stood at a cattle grid and the next minute they all started stepping through it to get to the other side! I was worried about their legs, but I think they’ve done this before, however some were queuing up at the gate, so I opened it for them. Alan told me I shouldn’t let them through, but I said that they’re coming through anyway and I’d rather them not hurt themselves - they were funny!
I was going to cook a joint of beef for our Easter roast, but after a busy day I didn't feel like cooking so we sat in the Palace and had pizza instead, we'll have the beef tomorrow.

Happy Easter!

Our next door neighbour moved abroad some time ago due to Brexit (she has dual nationality) and rents the house out.  Her eldest daughter sometimes lives there, but she hasn't for a while and a couple of days ago, a car turned up and we heard female voices, so assumed she was back.  However, Alan saw the owner this morning get in the car and drive off - we were shocked as if she's back she should be in quarantine!  This is what annoys me about our system - travel is banned and quarantining is compulsory if you arrive from another country, but they don't enforce it, as we found out when we came back from Portugal last year.  Of course we isolated for the required 14 days, but not everyone is as responsible - it's frightening and very annoying, particularly as the numbers in most of the EU are rocketing, to think that people can still fly here and be let loose on the streets.  A ban on travel should mean a complete ban, it's the only way to stop the spread - I do worry that they'll open it all up again and then by September our numbers will be high again and we'll be back into a lockdown situation.  Boris says that there'll be no more lockdowns, but we'll see, lets just hope our vaccine roll out is good enough to keep it at bay!

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