Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

First daffodil

Tonight's upload has been long awaited. I have been keeping an eye on the daffodils in the garden ,with the intention of blipping the first to bloom. The heads have been formed now for about two weeks and yesterday the first one started to open. A sure sign of more wintry weather. It never fails and today the weather turned bitterly cold and windy. Tricky getting the daffodil in focus with the wind.

Heading out to camera club now. Tonight three members , including myself are giving presentations, one images from Morocco, the other from Algeria and me my sporting images from around Scotland. WEll it does ring the changes as no one else in the club does sporting images, so it's the good old football, shinty , motorcross and motorbikes. Might bore veryone who knows? Will let you know later how it goes.

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