Ramblings in Life

By MacNeil

Altercation on the lake

A day of very mixed weather here, with sun, rain, snow and wind all occurring in quick succession. After a very pleasant morning spent having a late breakfast with the neighbours, I headed out into the grey skies and snow showers to take a bit of a walk.  

Near the end of the walk, the weather turned remarkably bright and clear, though with the wind was still biting through my many layers. As I approached the lakes near home, there was a "flotilla" of swans seemingly minding their own business. 

Things quickly changed though, with the distinctive wingbeat & slapping of feet on the water breaking the calm. It appeared that some of the swans were getting a little territorial and chasing others off of their area. It was a spectacle to behold - these great, seemingly elegant birds snapping away at each other and chasing the aggressor away. 

I'd seen this happen a few times over the past couple of weeks, and was pleased that for once I was able to capture the moment. 

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