Distinctive landmark.

My wife went to the hairdresser today - they reopened this morning as part of a cautious limited easing of coronavirus restrictions in Scotland. What a difference; and she feels good.

We’d a wall mounted Hormann bluetooth control switch fitted for our new garage door. It wasn’t in stock when our door was installed (see journal on 25 March 2021); the team called by at lunchtime.

Late afternoon we’d a walk on the paths across the Moss, near where my father grew up in the 1920s. Heather, bogs and scrubby trees. And this one - which is slightly more distinguished. It was bitterly cold.

Coronavirus cases on average below 400 in Scotland now. 248 today. PM announced some planned coronavirus relaxations for England - pubs and so on opening outdoors; and access to lateral flow tests (albeit haven’t got a system of decent payment for folks self isolating).

Snowed a little bit during Family FaceTime call.

Watched Made in Italy on Prime. A good film.

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