Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

On the hearth

I was coming back into the living room with my coffee this morning when I noticed the light hitting this area of the hearth where I have the old sewing machine and the honesty "silver dollars" in a vase.    It seemed like the right thing to blip today.   

And it is not a flower.  

It is hot outside today!   At least there is no humidity yet.  You can be sure I will be complaining when it starts!   

In other news, one of the those bad, mean, nasty squirrels knocked over the pot of black and dark purple petunias onto the deck.  I found it when I got up this morning. I almost want to feed them poison peanuts just to get rid of them. I like the animal kingdom but squirrels have no use...just like rats and mice.    At last count we had eight roaming around the yard but I know there are more than that.   Plus they will get the into the bird feeders.

The petunias were bruised but I think they will be okay.

Have a good week blippers!      

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