and through the wire...

By hesscat

That's My Boy

I was effectively on my own with Arlo today, although I was on holiday, Mrs C was working in the office. It did snow last night but was pretty much gone when I got up so couldn't have been much. It left the cold weather though, and the wind and I tried to put off going a walk until the sun came out. It was windy as we started but out of the wind it became rather nice and at that point wished I wasn't as well wrapped up. Despite navigating around fields full of lambs (he was on the lead), he got some decent places to stretch his legs. These past 3 or 4 weeks we've started going proper walks have been rewarding for us, and feel normal. It may sound silly, but there was a time when all he wanted to do was eat what other animals left behind. Now 90% of the time he just wants to sniff it, 5% of the time we get him to drop it and 5% we just go eugh and look the other way - it's only grass right?  Progress eh... 

Back to the grind tomorrow...

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