It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


RIP Paul Ritter. Just found out this wonderful guy passed away last night. Very upsetting.
Amazing actor and funny man.
Dreadful news......

A friend bought this book for my birthday last year I think all the covid shit got in the way.
Tonight I hunted it out and I will finish it.
For those of you interested in macro insect and bug photography it’s an interesting read.
The author is a woman who has been trying to tell the world about how we are going to have to look at using insects as our main source of food. With the poor planet bursting with over 8 Billion of destructive human beings, big animal food is not going to feed us for much longer. The clock is ticking. People like this lady are the ones that know how and only how we can survive. Once we kill nature the planet dies and so do we. If people want a sustainable future there are basically only two routes to go. Stop breeding or drastically change the way we live. My thoughts are we need both. There will be no future for your kids or grandkids if you ignore this reality.
Photography has taught me to appreciate everything we see and tiny little creatures that we would crush without a thought are the the living things that will keep you alive.
They are amazing and our next food source if we are to survive.


It’s a minute to Midnight......

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