The second half of life..

By twigs

Fingers and thumbs and a fantail's bum

The thing with changing Canberra settings from what have become second nature to me is that sometimes the ingrained habits surface when I'm trying to concentrate on doing something else.  The result is what I'm calling fingers and thumbs photography.  This a great example......if I'd have used the other new setting I'd have been able to quickly focus on his eye.  Instead, I bumbled through trying to move the focus points - old habit - instead of simply flipping to a different saved set up (new setting) and ended up focusing on his bum.  Oopsie!

Other tasks completed today - coffee beans purchased (very important), 2.6m waratah purchase to mount my new bird feeder on (when it gets here)......not that that the feeder will be 2.6m high......I just need to be sure it's high enough that Minnie (or any other cat for that matter) can't get to it.  It can't be too high as I also need to be able to get up to it to change the water, add fruit etc.  Other jobs included changing the van's anode rod which was interesting but a lot less wet than the last one I did!  Tentatively booked van in for a leak fix tomorrow all going well and the most painful thing I did today.........called my phone company to talk about changing my plan.  Those phone calls always seem to put me in a bad mood....... why oh why are the plans so complicated and so rigid?  At least the sun shone and the birds chirped though :D

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