Snow flurries

A few more snow flurries today. Looking back, it seems that we had them about this time last year as well, after a spell of warm weather at the start of lockdown. Funny, I remember the whole of lockdown as being warm sunny weather!

Another day of not much and feeling like it's very hard to get any momentum going. Hopefully I've had a good rest over this long break from work but I suspect I've just been frustrated that I haven't got more jobs ticked off the list. It turns out I'm not very good at resting. At least my knee feels a little better today so I'm glad about that. And we did manage a quick trip to the garden centre this morning to get some more stepping stones to put in the shady border by the tree to make it easier to get up to the bird table by the fence. I did very well at not buying any more plants today!

And I've made some gluten free gingerbread which I hope will be a tasty treat with a cup of tea later.

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