CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Purple Hyacinth

A sunny day but icy wind

We had an excellent Easter Sunday service and it was a privilege to lead and to preach. We are thrilled to be back in church and, having used films and songs from YouTube while we were doing online services, we were able to use them in the service. We probably will continue to use a blend of online resources and live in the months ahead. We are still sending out the service to the many people around the world who have been receiving them in the past year.

A busy day of writing my Daily Encouragement- I will continue to do this for the foreseeable future, even though the situation in the UK is opening up.

Zoom Prayer meeting tonight, which we will also keep doing online for a few weeks yet.

It was so cold again that I didn’t go out apart from a wee trip to the garden. The other day, it was a pink Hyacinth - now for your delectation, a purple one.

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