April at it's best

I walked around the Ohmbachsee in the afternoon. Snow and snow grain showers off and on, just minutes apart but sunny between showers. When the clouds turned really dark I headed for the car, but of course didn't make it. At least it wasn't rain, I would have been soaked. I waited the worst out in the car and left in sunshine.
On the 10 minute drive home I pulled over at the Kranichwoog for a few more steps, but it was impossible. More heavy showers (extra 1 - through the car window).
And then down the path came this young mother with a toddler in a pram and a dog on a leash and the child was screaming like crazy; poor kid, there was nothing mom could do to calm the elements down. It was wild out there and she had the wind right in the face. Nothing I could have done to help either.
The main is what it looked like when it was possible to wind down the window again. Not that bad, one wonders....
But still unbelievable that just 30 minutes earlier I had been sitting in the sun on a bench at the Ohmbachsee (extra 2)!!!

19:40; 2°C

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