Easter Bonnet!

Some days getting a blip is a bit of a challenge. Other days it just jumps right out at me!  

I caught sight of this beautifully decorated pillar box on the way to a short errand and thought “blip!”  On the way home I pulled into a side street and went to have a closer look. Isn’t it wonderful?  I wish I’d seen it before Easter. I wonder how many Easter cards were posted here?  I hope it stays awhile.

(I've just discovered who's responsible!  Check the link here.)

It’s been another really cold day. Snow was in the forecast but I don’t think we got any here. I have to say I’m glad my camping adventure was LAST week not this week!  

Thank you to all my friends who donated to my JustGiving page. Some were anonymous so I won’t be able to thank everyone personally. I far exceeded my goal but the page is still open so there’s still time for more!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, scroll back to my blip on March 28!

If you would like to sponsor me, click here.  Donations are easily made from around the world, any currency!  People have been very generous and I have more than met my goal, but it's not too late to sponsor me if you would like to!

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