Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Pilates to start the day!

Carys had pilates, then ballet class with Mara Galeazzi, then her third (and hopefully final) Spanish Oral. She has now completed everything required by NEC for her three GCSE courses bar the NEA (non exam assessment) English Language Oral, for which we haven't yet got a date. So far we still haven't had confirmation that this will be enough and she won't have to sit unseen assessments (exams) at the end of April. I would like to think ten assignments for each subject would be enough for a TAG (teacher assessed grade) but we will see.

Will was supposed to be meeting a friend, but said friend hurt his foot at football training at the weekend so couldn't. I have arranged for him to meet another friend (who is the year above him at school) on Thursday. It's nice because the boys were close last year, they are both a little idiosyncratic, but Z left for secondary and with COVID they haven't had chance to see each other. Will did very little today but did cycle to tennis for his lesson this evening. He's off sailing and either kantanuing or slack lining tomorrow so he should sleep tomorrow.

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