Growing old disgracefully


100 RECIPES FOR KALE: NO 1 Garlic mushrooms

I am motivated by the conversation in the Ambridge Village shop last week, and also by the surplus of kale we have to eat our way through to clear the veg beds for spring planting. Susan despises kale because all she can think of to do is to boil it like cabbage. Jennifer, naturally, stir fries hers with pancetta. How you cook kale as a social class issue.

Flash fry some garlic in a tiny spot olive oil until crisp
Add a dask of red wine
Saute some button mushrooms in the garlic and wine mix
Just before serving, add some very, very finely chopped kale ( remove the tougher stalks first) and allow to wilt

BTW, many thanks for all the helpful comments yesterday. The answer to my dilemma was so simple and obvious, but I needed you lovely folks to point the way!

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