Journies at home

By journiesathome

The path less taken

Lock down means that no alarms are set, but that doesn't stop you waking with a start and a burden. This morning's was that loaded by the nice lady from the Academy; a paperwork process which would run me into walls and chasms which I'd have to break down or cross in order to get anywhere. I knew I had a bureaucratic mountain ahead of me, but the hills were calling and I thought I should flex my legs on them beforehand because they often give me an answer. 
We slipped off the Bastonis path, climbed a fence and found ourselves off track, as if we were behind the scenes of a film set we were familiar with from the other side.  Mu dislikes the unknown, I like to see things from a different perspective and Bernie Sanders is always happy so long as he's with us.  
The path ran into a wire fence and brambles, but we found our way through. We risked electrocution and ran across the donkey field.  Mu said they were just like large rabbits and there was nothing to fear.  I told her that Alain Ségui uses them to protect his horses from dogs.  BS was non-plussed for once and followed us obediently.  The donkeys watched us like large rabbits and stole my thunder. 
We climbed over a gate and back onto the rutted path back down to the town.
I'd found my answer.  One fence at a time. 

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