Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

We’re tired

And they want to go to bed, which is why they are sitting at the bottom of the stairs giving me a lingering look.

I’m tired too. Work was okay but I think I may have developed an allergic reaction to it; I’m much more suited to leisure if my return to the daily grindstone today after two weeks off is anything to go by.

On a serious note, talking too much does tire me out and I did quite a lot of it today. I was in one meeting which we were waiting to start and the chairman - a mischievous and eccentric woman who just happens to be the Chief Executive - decided I should amuse everyone with a joke. So I told the one Dominic Cumberbatch recounts in The Imitation Game.

Two men are hiking through some woods when an enormous bear appears  a couple of hundred yards away. They freeze, but they know that it is only a matter of time before the bear sees them. One of the men drops to the floor, and quietly slips out of his boots and puts on his trainers.

"What are you doing?" hisses the other man "you can’t outrun a bear".

"I don’t need to" says the first man turning and getting ready to sprint away. "I just need to outrun you".

That’s all folks.

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