pretty... pink
with a calla lily
finally - i am beginning to - feel more like myself again - after my 2nd vaccine jab - i knew it would hit - me hard so was prepared - for the side effects - what i wasn’t prepared for - is these lingering things - like the continued fatigue - and lack of energy - one of my sil’s - told me it could - last for a while - and based on the history - of what all my body - has suffered through - over the years - plus the many disabling - conditions i have - it’s not surprising at all - that it will take me - longer than the average joe - to recover which is fine - it’s not like i have anything - pressing happening at the moment
as i was trying to catch up - on some home tasks - my eye landed on - this sweet calla lily - bloom and it occurred - to me with a sudden - clarity that i haven’t - posted anything pink - in far too long - well that must be rectified - i thought, so we can all have...
happy day.....
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