Cupboard of Doom

busy day...

Dropped Dave off at the train station, then went back and sorted out the cupboard of DoooOOOooom, emptying it, (it mainly contains my arty materials and props such as disembodied limbs, but it's normally stuffed full and in danger of spilling out)
Then went to the tip, to get rid of some stuff...then went off to the fabric shop, to get some things for my fish wife outfit... then to the supermarket... then got a spare key cut (as we're about to have plumbers and builders take over the place, hence the need for access to pipes in the cupboard of doom) then I headed home and put on a second load of washing and discovered it was 11 o'clock already.

Spent the rest of the day sewing, and having arguments with the machine that kept chewing up and jamming the cheap thread that I was using...

Then picked Dave up from the station, made tea, blipped, and finally I've just submitted my first open university assignment...

phew... pooped now and eating restorative chocolate pudding : )

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