Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

To the Sheep Wash

We heard a singing Blackcap in the park this morning ( 1st of the Spring)
Then in the afternooon ....

We had our first venture out beyond local. Actually it's still very local but further than we have been this year other than to the Etihad for the jag.

Hayfield and Kinder Road is a favourite walk with a good chance of interesting birds in Spring. We did go further than the Sheep Wash up to the Reservoir Gates.

Listening for Pied Flycatcher, Redstart etc. but heard none but we did see a Dipper dipping,  well more than that in fact disappearing under water for long periods.

We had Coffee and cake from a man with a van Bean2Cup in the car park at the end.  First purchase with cash this year ( not counting the window cleaners). He had been a bit short of customers compared to recent days so he was glad that we started a mini rush so he would have gone home happier.

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