
I have an area in my garden with this low growing Ajuga; it is not very flashy, the leaves are plentiful. The plants fills in the area nicely so there are no weeds; I like it for this reason.

Today was a beautiful sunny day and we were surprised by a visit from little miss Ellie and her Grandpa. She immediately got a book and wanted me to read her a story; it will be so nice when she is able to read to herself. I will always read to her, but I think she will be thrilled to read by herself too.

I had two lovely Zoom meetings today; the first was a group of close friends, the second was a Physically Therapy session. 

I have lost my photo mojo lately. I didn't go out and about today.....barely got outside with my camera except for a few garden photos near the back deck. I am too tired today.

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