Such gigglers!
It is Barry's birthday today. These three grandchildren sent him a happy birthday video. I sent them one back of Barry saying thank you. They haven't seen him right through the lockdown and were so surprised at how long his hair is now they thought it hilarious and sent a video in reply. This is is a still from it......such a pity we can't put up videos this is 7 seconds of giggling heaven! Such small things in life is all we need
It has been a horrible day weather wise, strong winds again, my poor poly tunnel taking a battering, and wet most of the day too.
Barry took Reggie to the vets as he has a little lump on his side, which has not bothered him but we wanted to get it checked out. Luckily it is as we thought, just a fatty lump and not attached to anything, which is a great relief. There is no need to have anything done about it unless we want to have it removed. We don't want to put him through any unnecessary surgery so will leave it alone unless it does start to bother him or grows too big.
As a token to his birthday I cooked Barry his favourite homemade fish and chips for dinner. He didn't want cake so made him some more oaty biscuits, another of this favourites.
I'm hoping for the sunshine tomorrow, which is forecast, so I can get into the polytunnel and plant my spuds in buckets, purchased for that very purpose.
Fingers crossed!
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