
Having to set the alarm clock, argh!

Up early to breakfast, shower, dress, faff about then brisk walk to get the bus 200. As there isn't so much traffic & not many passengers getting on / off, the bus cruised along the road & I stood in the sunshine for a while until closer to my appointment.

Can't remember the last time I needed to take the bus.

My appointment was at Pennywell All Care Centre, which I've not been to for a while, think last time was for some Physio. Not too busy but a steady stream of folk coming & going as well as the regular appointments happening too.

Nurse got a bit of a funny scare with my Dragon Mask but it has been a good conversation breaker when out & about, so she will have something silly to talk about later.

Time for a mini discussion & reassurance from the Nurse, especially after the last few days of negativity on the news. I went ahead with getting the Covid Vaccine Jag.

Never felt a thing & good to be asked whether left handed as most bloods are on the left & no asked, so jagged in the right arm as can be sore & I am left handed.

Bus to the pet shop to get bird food then another bus home, then that is me going to chill in out the garden & lounge about over the weekend.

Fingers & toes crossed that no major side effects & hopefully the worry can be put back in the box for another day.

Edit: Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip has passed away age 99.

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