Boring snap from work today. Couple of transformers I've been tinkering with, with a view to using one in a lab exercise for the Students. Plenty of other bits-n-bobs tackled too.
After the concrete lump maneuvers on Sunday, followed by an extended cycle and swim yesterday, I was deadbeat by the end of the day. Being worn out, also meant I was particularly scunnered by the number of folk asking me to have a go at fixing things that are largely worthless. Would prefer to spend some time sorting the (far too many) things that need attention at home. Must learn to use the "NO" word!
Made the mistake of leaving work latish, which meant cycle lights were required. Only to discover my headlight wasn't working. Back into work for some fault finding. After much faffing about, adapting different lamp holders and other stuff, I ended up heading off in the now pitch black, with a headlamp that gave off about as much light as a glow worm. If I was scunnered earlier on, my mood was somewhat more miserable now...
The bike's transmission is largely shot, and was giving problems. And then the front wheel bearings are a bit worn too...
Eventually, once home, the evenings plans shelved, and cycle maintenance was top priority. Felt a lot more cheerful after a meal. Suspect my glycogen, and blood sugar levels were rock bottom, for the slow journey home. Some music gave a boost too. Quick test, and the bike should keep going a wee while longer. Some parts shopping required this weekend.
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