Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Gib and my friend Philip.

This is Gib, craftsman par excellence. Your next luxury yacht was probably partially built by Gib. He travels the world working for boat building companies. The Covid epidemic has put a lot of things on hold, consequently he has spent many months waiting for travel and quarantine limitations to lift. Fortunately he was already in France when things were clamped down. He returned two weeks ago. 

This is absolutely true, every last word.

In February 1978 a huge snow storm hit Dartmoor, the main part of the squadron were in Norway. The three helicopters left at our squadron base in Plymouth were used for emergency flights. It was an exhilarating and nervous time; it was also deeply satisfying to help the people of Devon. 
With an air gunner I flew a couple of rescue tasks, I also took yeast and flour to Dartmoor prison, they were feeding the local community. During one flight we dropped water board engineers at a pumping station to repair damage. Tom and I discovered a pony, dying of hypothermia. We did not have any guns so wrapped it in a tarpaulin, stuffed the tarp with straw and literally shoved hay down it’s throat. Eventually we got the half frozen animal to it’s feet, gave it water and food. 

For that sorry tale we were presented to the Duke of Edinburgh and awarded an RSPCA certificate. We were embarrassed, as the other Marines were receiving medals for being brave and dashing! The following conversation really did take place, utterly cross my heart and hope to fall off this mortal coil.

Duke, giggling at our saga, I was already fed up with being the duty laughing stock.
“It must have been terribly dangerous with all that snow recirculating.”
“No Sir, we managed.”
“But, really it must have become a white-out?”
“Not too bad Sir, there was a hardened layer, due to a slight thaw.”
“Surely it was dangerous?”
“No Sir.”  At this point the Colonel of 42 Commando was giving me the ‘chop’ signal. 
The Duke moved on muttering something regal about, “Bloody Marines…..”
The Colonel hissed in my ear, “What did you think you were doing?”
“Well he started it!!!!”

Honest, to this day I can hear every word. 

RIP Philip, a good, funny man who has done his duty. 

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