The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

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The reseeded grass patches  are still protected  from MonStar. This face wasn't  happy that I was over the barricade and she wasn't. She has had some circus skills being able to wiggle through jump over the rubbish fence that I tried to create. She even went on a "No poo" protest. She is very able to hold on until  she is out on a walk, which she is not supposed to do. Guide dogs are supposed to go before they walk. Hmm!
A lovely walk and free run with our friend the qualified  Guide dog and his owner. Star was hyper excited  and very keen  to walk. She actually  has improved  her recall and as long as I have tasty treats she will come back... in her own time occasionally. 

Dinner was homemade lasagne withe lamb and turkey mince and a layer of spinach. 
As they say on Australian Masterchef.

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