New Growth
Things are starting to get going at the allotment and this redcurrant is sprouting new growth all over so hopefully that’s a sign of a good crop of berries this year. I only nipped up to dump compost and plant a few orphaned wild garlic bulbs but the afternoon’s weather turned out a lot nicer than expected so I pottered about for a few hours. Time flies when you’re having fun! Sadly there was only one daff in bud, the rest are all either in full bloom or withering, so I let it be and we have a daffodil free kitchen for the first time in weeks.
I’d tried out yet another new yoga routine in the morning and discovered yet another couple of positions that are beyond me - for now! I’ll keep at it.
And later we’d a full house at the quiz, the Arnies managing to join from their medieval Rustenburg lodgings. While we were quizzing, the Jambos were finally finding some form and scoring goals. One more win and we’re promoted!!
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