A day of two walks
My turn for early start with the puppy and he slept till 7.30 so not too bad. A bacon roll and nice cup of tea hit the spot for breakfast before I got dressed and took Phin out for a walk round the field. He was pretty good up till the point where he ran through a gap in the hedge onto the road. It took me a minute or two to get through the hedge myself to find him wandering along the grass verge with not a care in the world. Luckily he waited until a car had driven past before venturing into the road itself. I eventually got him onto his lead but my heart was pounding fit to burst - no harm done this time but guess who won’t be off the lead in that corner of the field again! He knew he was in the bad books as he was very contrite and walked nicely by my side the rest of the way home.
Knocked up a quick omelette for lunch before heading out again by myself to make up my steps. Done and now ready to be collected by my friend Susan to spend the evening at hers having a takeaway and putting the world to rights.
Results for Tiny Tuesday as follows. In no particular order from the 77 entries I’ve chosen the following as my favourites:
tedwin - happiness is chocolate shaped
Ingeborg - lots of pleasure from colours and abstracts
stujphoto - beautiful earring as a reminder of happy times
freespiral - lovely bluebell and descriptions of the carpet in the woods
chrisf - poignant story of a lost wedding ring
There were so many wonderful entries and I couldn’t choose them all but the following made my top 6 for Honourable Mentions:
evolybab - sweet little candle holder
craftylady - happiness is knitting
geofleigh - a wee dram of Cotswolds whisky (and why not)
Freyjad - a love of nature in this lovely shot of moss
leemsnook - magnetic needle minders to stop needles being lost
terrifo - beautiful growth on a Rosemary plant
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