
Some images from our afternoon ramble around town and home by the lakes...!
Sunny and cold with large black clouds threatening in the distance...(heavy hail showers, but after we got home)!!
Photos...a large bed of spring flowering heather...and the lake was busy with birdlife...there was Mr.&Mrs Duck with their very large family of tiny ducklings....I couldn’t count they kept moving about so fast...!! I hope they all survive..
A Heron busy fishing kept one eye on me as I sneaked close to take his photo..
I liked the reflections of the houses and clouds in the lake too and caught a swan and a moorhen..
We also bought and shared a bag of hot, greasy, salt & vinegar chips standing outside in the sunshine surrounded by begging crows one of whom had no fear at all....and turning his beady eye up to me...saying. “are you sharing Annie”?? He was very happy to eat the crispy bits.....
Is there anything nicer than a bag of chips eaten outside..?? And as hubby said “scratched a particular itch for me”. as I’ve been going on about craving a bag of same recently...haha..
A lovely jaunt out.....such simple things are lifting the mood at the moment...!

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