Bunny Sighting!
I was out feeding the birds this morning and heard scratching coming from behind our little trash shed. I waited and watched. I asked “Is anybody there?” Suddenly ear tips appeared above the roof of the shed. They were white, narrow and pink in the center. “Could it be?” I wondered. With a soft voice I told my scared friend not to be afraid, that I liked bunnies. “Why are you still here?” “Where have you been?” I had so many questions. The ears never moved so I took a step forward hearing gravel crackle under foot. I had my phone with me to be ready if an opportunity presented itself. Blip is rarely far from my mind. After a second carefully placed step a white furry figure suddenly appeared from behind the small red building. “Good to make your acquaintance, Louise, my name is Polly Cottontail!” • MrsP is so silly :)
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