Changing Seasons

It may be jolly chilly out but there's a lot more heat in the sun which is now warming the house morning and afternoon.   The early sun lights my breakfast table and right now the late sun, coming through the opposite windows, has really warmed us up.   It's also caught the orchid flowers rather nicely, answering the question "What shall I Blip today?"

As always there's plenty to be done.   I walked Meg over to deliver belated Easter Eggs to Mum and Chris - just forgot to hand them over when they were here on Mum's birthday last weekend.   Meg and Jamie had another fun session of dog agility in Bryncrug after lunch where it was evident that we were astride the dividing line weatherwise today.   In the hills above us, only a mile or two away, we could see the rain falling while over the coast it was clear blue sky.   A few drops of rain fell at home on and off but full sunshine has returned.    I worked for a couple of hours this afternoon, tomorrow I can do the 'fun' bit with the roller.    My back twinged earlier but is now just slightly uncomfortable, the tooth is still broke!

Flattered to be informed that one of my fav blip images is this weeks Splash picture

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