
Today's the day ...................... for a collective noun

This is one of a pair of shelducks that I saw today on the River Dee.  It was so lovely walking along the riverbank (see extra) because it was sheltered from that bitingly-cold wind - and really quite warm in the sunshine.

When I got home, I did a bit of online research on shelducks, just to make sure I had my facts right - and that was when I came upon this website - all about collective nouns for groups of birds.  I found lots of them quite amusing - for example, who knew that you got a 'squadron' of pelicans, a 'bouquet' of pheasants or a 'wake' of buzzards?  

And shelducks?  Well it's a 'dopping' of shelducks - from the obsolete word 'dop' found in late Middle English meaning 'to dive' or 'dip'.  Very appropriate, I'd say ........................ !

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