
By LifeLines

Pollen Puffs

The willow catkins are loaded with pollen and look quite spectacular at the moment. As a child I remember my friends and I collecting the catkins in our hands, fascinated by their silk-like texture.

An overcast day with spots of rain which frustratingly amounted to nothing near to even a light shower. The ground is getting quite dry as we’ve not had any significant rain for weeks (possibly a month).

This morning Andy was away early to play golf so Merlin and I had a relaxed walk around the village taking in the sights and sounds of a Saturday morning - the queues at the bakery and chemist, the joggers chatting as they went along, cyclists whizzing past, children in the play area, warblers singing by the stream, yellow and pink primroses carpeting the ground in the churchyard.. ..By the time we returned home at 1130 Andy was also back so we replenished our energies with mugs of tea and cake (and a dog biscuit for Merlin).

The main task of the afternoon was to plant this year’s first early potatoes - I’ve got two varieties this year and had been holding off putting them in as it has been colder than is usual for April. With them planted and various other allotment jobs done, I returned home to more tea and cake, followed by another dog walk. Saturday night curry has also now been consumed along with various sailing blogs on YouTube.

I hope your days has been a good one.

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