Lockdown #3 - day ninety-five...
So we've had ninety-five days of this lockdown... tomorrow the shops are open, hairdressers, gyms and swimming pools too. Pubs and restaurants will be able to serve food outside which I guess means we're slowly returning to normal. This I think must be attributed wholly to the success of the vaccination program which has shown what can be done when people are allowed to get on with the job.
I attribute very little of this success to the lying, adulterous incompetent that we are 'pleased' to call our prime minister. In my view as Terry Pratchett might have said, 'a nice roll-up by a sunny wall' is the best place for him...
Margaret had her second jab yesterday and woke up this morning feeling quite unwell so we haven't done much today. I went out with this beast of a lens to take this photo...
Dead tree at Camps End...
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