Cats aren't the only ones who eat mice

Samuel and I went to Patuxent River park where I got the nicest frog photos I've taken in a while and also saw turtles and osprey. Samuel walked off the pier into the water which surprised me because 
- he does NOT like to swim when the water is too deep for him to stand up
- he did this last time he was there!
But he wears a harness, not a collar, and he's only 55 lbs max so it is easy to help him get back up. 

It is an incredibly beautiful day with petals and blossoms, yellow, pink, white, and purple. Maybe it is sad that I didn't fully believe Spring would ever arrive but I will point out that Spring came to the UK and now 2020 is trying to claw it back again with snow, hail, and cold. Hang in there Britain!!

The infrastructure bill incentivizes renewable energy. Obviously most if not all of the bill is aimed at jobs, including the renewable energy section. I'd tell you more about it, but it is a discussion of taxation and unless one gets into that, it is kind of dull. The interesting piece is that part of how the President plans to pay for it is by removing the subsidies fossil fuels get. Yes, fossil fuels get subsidies. All my professional life people have complained about the subsidies renewable energy gets, and almost none of them have realized the kind of subsidies that fossil fuel gets and has always gotten. 

There is an economic theory that governments should support "infant industries" to help them grow, for the good of the country. But then the subsidies are supposed to stop once the industry has reached a level of maturity - and that is always the problem because a constituency forms that fights to continue them. 

I am intrigued to see a number of business leaders coming out and saying they do think their taxes should go up to support infrastructure. I mean, it makes sense from a rational perspective because businesses need infrastructure, but I'm not used to rational perspectives anymore. 

Ok, good luck to us all this week 

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