Don't make a meal of it!
Back to usual miserable Belgian weather today so had to venture into a shop to get out of the rain. I am the world's worst shopper (Even my men's standards!) so for me to enter a shop without a shopping list is almost unheard of.
Well there I was in a kitchen shop which turned out to be quite photogenic with their rows of almost identical products (at ridiculous prices I hasten to add) after taking this blip I searched out the thermos flask aisle. This was no mean feat, I had to pass 3 aisles of kettles, 2 aisles of toasters, 2 aisles of microwaves and 6 aisles of every type of kitchen unensil immaginable until i stumbled across the aforementioned flasks (almost an isle of them) and found the special wide neck variety that my daughter wants to take her pasta to school in. I then almost collapsed in shock at looking at the price tag...55 Euro, after picking up the flask off the floor I returned it to the shelf, made my excuses and left the shop to hopefully find the same flask on the internet at a fraction of the price. And they wonder why our high streets are dying?
Well, that's my moan over....enjoy your day!
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