things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


What a glorious day! Cold but very sunny with little wind. I went out very early this morning and saw 14 hares in a field...I've never seen that many hares together before. They didn't do much except feed, but I'll have another look, another day. I had a walk & then a walk around the res - very quiet people wise and good birdy wise.

I came home for 10am as I thought I had a B Gas engineer appointment. The boiler has a little water leak (happening since it was last serviced at the end of Feb). I find that there's always something wrong after it has been serviced. Anyway, now I have another one in May. 

I did  little bit of work, chatted to a few friends and then thought that it was too sunny to be indoors so off I went again. I had another walk and then sat at the feeders at the res for a bit. This is where I saw this gorgeous male brambling.

Extras are a fab golden plover and a wheatear.

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