Across the barriers (Day 2150)

Back down to Holm for a bit more on the house re-furb. By lunchtime I had got a bath connected up, a loo fitted and working and another loo ready to have the water turned on to it.
After lunch things didn't go quite so well. I got the loo filled and working, then set about fitting another bath, only to find that the stupidly designed taps touch the wall behind them, which leaves no room to fit any form of waterproof covering on the wall. While trying to figure out how to make things fit (they won't) I noticed that the loo was leaking. I suspect the cistern has a crack or defect in it, but will investigate tomorrow.
I stopped on the way home to take a shot of the view over the Churchill Barriers and into Scapa flow.
Now I await the return of my beautiful wife from her hossing adventures.

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