Weaver Walk

The last time we walked this route was over a year ago, early 2020.

We haven't been since because it has become really popular since the first lockdown, and too uncomfortable for us. Water attracts.

But this morning I got up early, and headed down on my own  on the basis that most people would not be up that early. And so it proved. I passed a few people but managed to keep distance. Hopefully, and at an appropriate time, J will feel confident enough to try it.

The early morning light was so clear, I took lots of photos. And as a bonus saw my first swallows of the year. And saw and heard lots of other birds, an uplifting start to the day.

I have added extras. A bit random, there are too many to choose from. 

Its the first day of a big easing of the lockdown restrictions today. A lot of people seem to have gone to the pub - beer gardens will have been very full places.

And Shirley Williams has died at the age of 90. She was my local MP when I was growing up (but too young to be able to vote).  I always liked her, she had integrity. She lost her seat in the conservative landslide of 1979. She thought that it was the promise of being able to buy your council house that persuaded many to change their voting preference, and in a town where most people rented and had few other opportunities - I think she was probably right.

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