
By Cygnus

Walk this way

You can just about see the Mourne Mountains on the horizon to the left in this photo. They don’t roll down to the sea here, since this is Strangford Lough, but further around the coast in Newcastle, County Down.

It was a very mild day and the sea was smooth and oily as we drove down to Mountstewart. We haven’t been here for ages and hadn’t done the forest walk for a month or so, so it was great to be back in the greenery today. There were loads of primroses, lesser celandine and bluebells just coming into flower. The stream was a lot lower than the last time we walked along its banks, but the wildflowers are growing in profusion right down the banks to the water’s surface - so beautiful!

We stopped for coffee and cake in the little shop and sat with the company of chaffinches, bluetits, a Robin and a blackbird all hopping around our feet. It was a lot quieter since the children have returned to school and was like being in a magical garden! Just for childish pensioners. :-)

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