The survival of the ......
...... fittest !
In January I put 4 African Violet leaves in water , stems only! Well at the beginning of March 2 had died, 1 looked as if it would develop and 1 had grown fine roots. These I put into compost ( the other didn't survive) and today's blip is how this little baby is progressing . I'm sure it won't flower for a year or so but its good watching it anyway.
Hurrah! I took my car for a hand car wash, the queue was horrendous , but that was one queue I had no hesitation to wait in , listening to radio 4 was quite pleasant too.
The guys are always so kind and polite it's really out of the way but I will always give my custom to this type of service.
I then went into Waitrose ( NO queue) and the cashier I see on many occasions is so sweet and just can't do enough to help me . Then reaching home the guy living opposite my garage came over and took the shopping down to my door, so very kind of him . He really had no need but he made a deliberate move to cross the road. What a fortunate lady I'd been today.
A video call to Thailand this morning was very pleasant we chatted for about three quarters of an hour, then I spoke briefly to my granddaughter then my niece from Wales , so a busy morning on the phone. My Somerset friend who usually speaks on a Tuesday had a dental appointment , but not to be missed we spoke last night. It has been a weekly routine since the first lockdown . It's so good to keep in touch, it's a lonely time for all of us, let's hope we're on the upward trend now!
Do hope everyone has had a safe and wonderful day , the weather has been kind today.
Thoughtful ...... of the many people who have been so Kind to me today and has cheered my day. Not forgetting this lovely community.
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