Jupiter Artland

Certainly getting our steps in these days!

Took H round Linhouse Glen again this morning. She loves this route (as do I).

The route offers so much variety with areas for playing with the ball, dipping in and out of the water and different terrains and smells.

After breakfast, L and I cycled down to the park then onto the Spar as she wanted to see how far it was.

After lunch, L and I headed into Jupiter Artland. This is an art gallery situated very close to us and this is the first time we’ve ever been! Lots of external sculptures and fancy landscapes, etc. I didn’t think it’d be enough to keep L entertained but an ice cream and a daddy daughter TikTok video seemed to do the trick.

Another lovely quality day with mini me.

(Blip is of the Weeping Girls by Laura Ford. Figures hand carved from waxes then cast in found objects at the foundry. Patinated and painted bronze).

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