Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

The artist at work

Henry slept really well last night - woke once for milk at 4am but went back to sleep until 6.45! Then was happy to go to nursery and waved Neil off with lots of kisses - he's always so much happier when he sleeps well.

Work was good, I felt like I made a difference to a few people's lives which is satisfying. I slept for 7 hours today and did some housework which has desperately needed doing for the last 2 weeks while I've been busy working.

Today's blip is Henry painting - as soon as he had got in from nursery he requested milk and painting, he even picked the colours that he wanted ("boooo!" "geeeeen!") so I now have 7 pieces of a4 coverered in blue and green smears - not sure what I'm going to do with them! Maybe there's a market for toddler-created modern art?

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