Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

On the road again...

I haven't been out shopping since September 24th!  MrsDB has probably done half a dozen supermarket shops in that time.  There doesn't seem to be a lot of point taking chances over Covid when there are already plenty of people around our way who've been in denial from day one.  We had no will to join them.

Today, now full of jabs, masks and gel we went to a local shopping centre, not the biggest around here by any means but at least not full of Primarkeers and TKMaxxers.  I was wander around being careful about which socks I was going to buy, MrsDB was whizzing around the frock shops crashing my cash like there was no tomorrow.  

We also had the pleasure of entering a brand new Morrissons.  Wow!  This is almost as good as a holiday.  

I never did buy the new socks.  I think I'll wait until the May Day sales.

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